the enthalpy of combustion of C, H , and sucrose are -393.5 , -286.2, and -5644.2 kJ/mol

calculate the enthalpy of formation of sucrose .


The combustion reaction of sucrose can be written as: 
C12H22O11 + 12 O2 → 12 CO2 + 11 H2O (∆H° = -5644.2 kJ/mol) 
The combustion of C and H can be written as: 
H2 + 1/2 O2 H2O (∆H° = -286.2 kJ/mol) ​
C + O2 CO(∆H° = -393.5 kJ/mol)​
Since ∆H° = Σ∆Hf(products) - Σ∆Hf(reactants), then 
∆H° = [(12) ∆HCO2 + (11) ∆Hf H2O] - [∆Hf C12H22O11 + (12)O2]...........(1)
∆Hf(O2) = 0 kJ/mole​
Putting all the values in eq (1) we get,
 -5644.2 kJ = [(12)-393.5 kJ + (11)-286.2] - [∆Hf ​ C12H22O11 + (12) 0]
-5644.2 kJ = -4722.0 kJ -3148.2 -[∆Hf ​ C12H22O11
∆Hf ​ C12H22O11 = 5644.2 kJ - 7870.2 kJ
                          = 2226 kJ

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