The inversion of cane sugar proceeds with half life of 50 minutes at pH = 5 for any concentration of sugar. However, if pH=6 , the half life changes to 500 minutes for any concentration of sugar. The rate law expression for the inversion of cane sugar is written as :- r = K [ sugar ] [H+]^y . Determine the value of y.

(A) r = K [sugar][H+]

(B) r = K [sugar][H+]^-1

(C) r = K [sugar][H+]^+2

(D) r = K [sugar][H+]^0

The correct answer is (d) r = K [sugar][H+]^0 with y = 0. This is explained as follows

We are given that the half life at pH = 5 and at any concentration of sugar is 50 minutes while the half life at pH = 6 and any concentration of sugar is 500 minutes. This clearly means that the half life is independent of the concentration of sugar and depends on the concentration of hydrogen ion. The fact that order of reaction with respect to sugar is 1 further justifies this as for first order reaction t1/2 is independent of initial concentration.  

As pH = -log[H+], therefore for pH = 5, [H+] = 10-5 and for pH = 6, [H+] = 10-6. The general equation for t1/2 with respect to any reactant is written as follows

 t1/2 ∝ 1 / ([A]0n-1)

where [A]0 is the initial concentration of the reactant A and n is the order of reaction with respect to A. 

Thus we have the following relations

 t1/2 ∝ 1 / ([H+]y-1)  

 50  ∝ 1 / ( 10-5) y-1  (1)


 500 ∝ 1 / ( 10-6) y-1  (2)

Dividing equation (1) by (2) and solving for y gives y = 0.

Thus y = 0

  • -51

using  t1/2  is inversely  propotional  toconc. specie to the p0wer  n-1 where n is the order we get  500/50 =   (10^ -5/ 10^ - 6) whole to the power n-1

on solving this we get

10=10^n-1 ......implies n-1=1..........thus n=2  .........hence  c is correct

  • -42

if u  agree  hit a thumbsup

  • -49

sorry  i  did would be  d.)  bcz   -1=n-1 

  • -47
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