WHat is the atomic number of Sc and Sc+3?
what is the difference btw Sc and Sc+3...write their electronic configuration?

Dear Student,

(1) The Atomic number is determined by the Number of Protons. And the number of protons of an element remains same whether the element is in its Atomic state or Ionic State. So, the Atomic Number of Sc (Scandium) and Sc3+ (Scandium Ion) is the same i.e. 21.

(2) Sc is Scandium in its Atomic State & Sc3+ is Scandium in its Cationic State.
     Electronic Configuration of Sc (Scandium)
     Atomic Number = 21
     Number of electrons = 21
     E.C. = 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1
Electronic Configuration of Sc3+ (Scandium Ion)
    Atomic Number = 21
    Number of Electrons = 18  (since it has lost 3 electrons to form Sc3+)
    E.C. = 1s22s22p63s23p6

Hope this information clears your doubts about the topic.

Keep asking!!


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