what is the coordination number in hcp and ccp arrangement????

 coordination no. of hcp arrangement is 12 and that of  ccp is 12. refer the pattern of fcc it is ABCABCABC..... type structure i n which central atom in B type is surrounded by 6 atoms from side 3 from upward and three from downward.  in ccp A and C has structural difference . but both has same no. of atoms.

in hcp there is ABABAB.................. type pattern where central atom at B is surrounded by 6 atoms of B ; 3 of A from upward and 3 atoms of A From downward. 

( Refer NCERT ; Class 12 ; page no 15 )

  • 21

 coordinationno in hcp and ccp is 12

  • 9

it is 12 in both

  • -2
 Coordination number - The coordination number of a central atom in a molecule or crystal is the number of its near neighbours.


  • HCP - 12


  • CCP - 12 


  • 7
12 and 12
  • -3
12 in both cases
  • -3
6 and 12 respectively
  • -6
i dont know mafi malum
  • 0
so simple u dont know it very silly of u.

study a little hard
  • -5
Both have 12
  • 2
The C.N is 12 in CCP ....6 on the same layer ......3 in the layer above it and 3 in the layer below it
  • -1
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