Which of the following does not show optical activity?
(1) [Co(NH3)4Cl2]
(2) [Cr(ox)3]3–
(3) [Co(ox)2(NH3)2]Cl
(4) [Co(en)(NH3)2(H2O)2]Cl2

Dear student,
If any kind of symmetry, viz Plane of symmetry or centre of symmetry is present in the molecule, then it will not show optical isomerism or activity. Out of all the compounds given, (4) has a plane of symmetry in which two NH3 are opposite to each other and two H2O are adjacent to each other along with ethylene diamine. In this case, a plane passing through "en" and both H2O divides the molecule into two equal parts thereby generating a plane of symmetry.

Hence (4) will not show optical activity.

Hope it helps

  • -19
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