why is Cro3 strong oxidising agent while MoO3 and ?WO3?are not?

Dear Student

Oxidizing agents are those which oxidizes others and itself get reduced i.e. accepts electrons.

In this case chromium has an oxidation state of +6 in CrO3 but the most stable oxidation state of chromium is +3 i.e. t2g3 which is quite stable. In order to achieve the stable oxidation state, chromium will tend to reduce by accepting the electerons i.e. by behaving as an oxidizing agent.

Both Mo+6 and W+6 are quite stable as compared to Cr+6 because the d and s electrons are easily available for donation and therefore, higher oxidation states can be achieved.


  • 2
Because mo(4) and w(4) are more stable than cr(4) ...
  • -1
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