x g of urea y g of glucose r dissolved in 1000g of water. in a second experiment y g of urea x g of glucose are dissolved in 1000 g of water.the depression of freezing point in the first case is twice the depression in the second case.calculate the ratio x:y.

Solution 1:

no . of moles of urea = x/60 moles

no. of moles of glucose = y/180 moles 

molality of solution = no. of moles of solute / mass of solvent(in kg) = ( (x/60)+(y/180) )/1 mol /kg

 from the relation  

we get ,

= * molalitu of solution

 = ....................equation 1

Solution 2 :

no . of moles of urea = y/60 moles

no. of moles of glucose = x/180 moles 

molality of solution = no. of moles of solute / mass of solvent(in kg) = ( (y/60)+(x/180) )/1 mol /kg

 from the relation  

we get ,

= * molalitu of solution

 = ....................equation 2



now according to question 

Therefore equating equation 1 and 2 we get 



thus 3x+y = 6y + 2x


thus x:y = 5:1

  • -4
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