a projectile thrown from a horizontal plane reaches back the plane after covering distance of 40m .if the horizontal velocity of projectile is 10ms .thenwhat is its initial vertical velocity? take g=10ms

Dear Student,

Horizontal range(R) is 40m and horizontal velocity(uh) is 10m/s.
So we know that
R = uh T 
T = 4sec
​For finding the vertacal velocity we use newton's 1st equation of motion
At maximum point of projectile the final velocity must be zero.
v = uv - gT'    where T' = T/2= 2sec
 u= 20m/s

Manoj Singh

  • -6
answer fast!#pls
  • -1
Hello R.b.Kavya dear, it is given that horizontal range is 40 m and horizontal velocity component is 10 m/s
So time that has elapsed will be 40/10 = 4 s
Now then half of time of flight = 2 s
So vertical velocity (initial) say  u
At the max height v = 0
time is 2 s
Acceleration = -10 m/s^2
Plug in  v = u + a t
  0 = u - 10 * 2
So u = 20 m/s
Hence initial vertical velocity = 20 m/s
  • 9
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