CBSE Class 6 Science: Important Tips and Topics for SA2

Meritnation|Jan 29th, 2016 01:30pm

SA2 Science Class 6The SA2 or the CBSE Summative Assessment II is just around the corner. Students are busy with their last minute revisions and trying to get the most out of their study hours these days.

But you do not need to panic as out the team of experts at Meritnation has come up with some great insights into each chapter for your Science exam. These key revision points and quick tips will help you prepare intelligently for the exams. Even if you have left out certain chapters for last minute preparations or revisions, these tips will help you get through them better.


Chapter 7 – Getting to Know Plants

Important Topics:
1. Modification of Root, Stem, Leaf
2. Parts of Flower, Diagrams
3. Transpiration
Method for Quick Understanding:
1. Living and non-living things can be understood by the same reverse learning technique means first look for the example of a living thing and then take the example of non living thing. Now you can compare the characteristics of both the things to learn better about them.
2. To understand the habitat better you need to see around your school, house and all the places that you visit. You will find different organisms in all of these places. You can understand about how an organism adapts itself to its surrounding by taking example of one organism from each habitat.

a) Characters of living things, different type of habitats and adaptations of different organisms to their habitats are very important topic and you must learn them thoroughly.
b) Once you understand them they are not very hard to learn and you can easily answer the questions about them in your exam.


RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: Revision Notes | Sample Papers | Textbook Solutions | Ask & Answer


Chapter 8 – Body Movements

Important Topics:
1. Types of joints and their function with examples
2. Movement of snake
3. Movement of earthworm, bird and fish
Method for Quick Understanding:
1. Focus on different type of joints and where they are present in body.
2. You must have the idea about basic human skeleton system and its functions.

a) Muscles are important from point of view of exams. There are different types of muscles in the body. You must know their location and functions.
b) Movement of earthworm is an important topic.


Chapter 15 – Air Around Us

Important Topics:
1. Composition of air
2. Role of oxygen in different processes
Method for Quick Understanding:
1. The basic knowledge about air and its components is very important. The uses of air is something that a student must know.

a) Like everything air also has some properties and they are usually asked as a separate question.
b) The diagrammatic presentation of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide cycle is important. Sometimes this topic is asked in relation to the connection between plants and animals.


Chapter 16 – Garbage In, Garbage Out

Important Topics:
1. Recycling of paper
2. Vermicomposting
3. Landfills
Method for Quick Understanding:
1. You must know about garbage and its components.

a) Difference between biodegradable and non biodegradable waste is important from the point of view of exams.
b) The definition of vermicomposting and its process is very important.
c) Various techniques to control waste production are important from point of view of exams. It includes recycle, reuse, reduce and various other techniques.


RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: Revision Notes | Sample Papers | Textbook Solutions | Ask & Answer


Chapter 6 – Changes Around Us

Important Topics:
1. Reversible changes with examples
2. Irreversible changes with examples
3. Physical changes
4. Chemical changes
5. Expansion and contraction
6. Melting
Method for Quick Understanding:
1. You can understand changes occurring around you by observing them. For example, melting of ice (physical change), increasing of height (irreversible change), changing milk to curd or paneer (irreversible change), sharpening of pencil (irreversible change), evaporation as well as condensation of water (reversible change), etc.
2. Understand how a blacksmith works, how a metal whim is fixed on a wooden wheel and wooden handles are fixed on tools in detail.

a) You must be thorough with meanings and types of changes. You must also know the criteria of identifying them.
b) Some processes involve multiple types of changes, so you must go through them too.


Chapter 14 – Water

Important Topics:
1. Various forms of water present on the Earth
2. Sources of water for various purposes
3. Water cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation etc.)
4. Transpiration
5. Ground water
6. Floods
7. Droughts
8. Conservation of water
9. Rainwater harvesting
Method for Quick Understanding:
1. Be observant of activities around you that involve usage of water and then try to understand the basic things that revolve around water.
2. Water is an essential part of our life. Try to find out various ways of wasting of water around us and then try to find methods to minimise the the wastage.

a) Try to understand all basic phenomenon that are occurring around you that involves water.
b) Focus on the methods of conservation of water.


RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: Revision Notes | Sample Papers | Textbook Solutions | Ask & Answer


Chapter 12 – Electricity and Circuits

Important Topics:
1. Electric Cell & Bulbs
2. Construction of Simple Circuit or Electric Torch
3. Conductors and Insulators
Method for Quick Understanding:
1. We use lot of electronic devices in our daily life. Every such device has an electric component in it.
2. This chapter deals with the electric circuits, cells and devices based on them. You can see such circuits even in basic toy cars, torches remotes etc. Observe such devices around you including basic devices using the small circuits to the more complex ones.
3. Try to understand the electrical circuit of any basic torch or bulb and dissect it.
4. Learn the concept of switches.

a) Making an electric circuit of your own with a basic replaceable switch will help you to understand the concept of open and close circuit. Try different materials in place of switch and observe that not all the materials can be used to complete the circuits.
b) The materials which can conduct the electricity are conductors while others are insulator.
c) Make a list of objects around you and classify them into conductors and insulators. Also cross check the list by placing them in the above circuit.


Chapter 13 – Fun with Magnets

Important Topics:
1. Magnetic & Non Magnetic Substances
2. Properties of Magnet
3. Finding Directions using Magnet
4. Demagnetisation
Method for Quick Understanding:
1. We all have seen materials which attract to certain other materials like stickers attached on refrigerators, almirahs etc. Observe such items and try to find out the magnet inside them.
2. Get a pair of magnets and look around for materials which are attracted to it, such objects are made of magnetic substances.
3. Use a pair of bar magnet to check the polarity or the nature of poles of the magnet. Check other properties too.
4. Now when you have a pair of magnet also, learn how to preserve them. Make a magnetic keeper for them. This will be help to understand the concepts in detail.

a) Make a list of items around you, in school and home and mark them as magnetic and non magnetic substances.
b) Make a temporary magnet using the touch and stroke method at home and check for the nature of poles of the magnet and mark them.
c) Tie a magnet with poles marked on it and suspend it freely, now check if the magnet is giving you the correct direction. Such activities will be very helpful to learn and memorise the concepts.
d) Properties of magnets and finding direction are important topic.


All the best with your SA2 revisions and exams!

Please take a moment to spread these tips with your friends. After all, Knowledge is the only thing that grows when shared! 🙂


Important Resources

> 5 Common Exam Mistakes Students Make


> Things To Do In Your 5-Minute Break


> 10 Tips to Study Smart and Save Time


> Gearing Up For SA 2


> Creating An Ideal Time Table For Your Board Exam




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